Uses of Class

Packages that use Server

Uses of Server in br.shob.server

Fields in br.shob.server declared as Server
protected  Server ServerCommLayer.server
          Description of the Field

Methods in br.shob.server that return Server
 Server ServerCommLayer.getServer()
          Gets the server attribute of the ServerCommLayer object

Methods in br.shob.server with parameters of type Server
static void Pinger.pingAllHosts(Server server)
          Description of the Method
static void Pinger.pingObservers(Server server)
          Description of the Method
static void Pinger.pingOnce(Server server, Set targets)
          Main processing method for the Pinger object
static void Pinger.pingOwners(Server server)
          Description of the Method
static void Pinger.pingWriters(Server server)
          Description of the Method

Constructors in br.shob.server with parameters of type Server
Pinger(Server server)
          Creates a pinger that pings all hosts every 5 seconds
Pinger(Server server, int pingMethod, long waitTime)
          Creates a pinger that pings by the specified pingMethod every waitTime seconds
Pinger(Server server, int pingMethod)
          Creates a pinger that pings by the specified pingMethod every 5 seconds
SignedConnection(Server server, Socket socket)
          Constructor for the SignedConnection object
ServerCommLayer(Server server)
          Constructor for the ServerCommLayer object
PlainConnection(Server server, Socket socket)
          Constructor for the PlainConnection object